
Sunday 5 October 2014

The Color Throwdown #312 and CAS(E) this Sketch #95

Good afternoon everyone!

It's a weekend and that's the time for crafting for me when my lovely husband is hanging out with the kids. I got a little bit carried away yesterday though. I made this Christmas card and I really liked the design, so since I will be needing a couple dozens of Christmas cards anyway I might as well duplicate this one and play with colours a bit. This is the first one that I made inspired by this week's CAS(E) this Sketch #95. Lately, I've been seeing lovely wintery scenes made with sponging with distress inks. I think they look so beautiful and make really lovely Christmas cards. I wanted to try out myself also. This is my creation.

This is my (second) entry to
the CAS(E) this sketch #95 -challenge.

I coloured this lovely image called Birch by Stacey Yacula from Purple Onion Designs with Derwent Inktense Pencils. Then I stamped the Winter Bough by Stacey Yacula from POD. I stamped it with Versafine Onyx Black and covered it with Black Glitter Embossing Powder from Papermania and heat set it. Then I masked off the snowy hill and laid some Faded Jeans and Stormy Sky Distress inks to create a background for my card. Then I created a reverse mask for the hill and masked off the background and inked the snowy hill with Tsukineko Brilliance Matte Moonlight White ink. After the snowy hill was dry (which took a LONG time) I stamped the sentiment with Versafine Onyx Black. I framed the picture with some blue card stock. To get some detail, I added some Wink of Stella glitter pen for the Birch's hat. This is the close up where you can see the glitter and the glitter embossing powder better.

Well, I liked this one a lot. I wanted to play with some colours and here are the creations from that play date! 

This is my entry to the Color Throwdown #312- challenge.
This card was shortlisted in the challenge.

These two other cards are made with the same technique as the first one. The penguin with a scarf is also from Stacey Yacula collection from POD: she's called Frost. With Frost's card I used Gathered Twigs Distress Ink for the background: that was the closest to kraft that I could find. I will enter this card to the ctd312- challenge. I've never played along with this challenge before, hopefully I didn't break any rules. 

With the grey shade card I used Memento London Fog, Spiced Marmalade and Mustard Seed distress inks for the background. I tried to create a wintery scene with the sun shining just above the horizon like it does here near the Arctic Circle during Christmas time. My husband commented afterwards that what's up with the air pollutants on the back... I still see the sun though! LOL! 

Here are the inspiration and graphics for the challenges:

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day and Happy crafting!



  1. Such sweet cards!! Love your CAS style! Thanks so much for playing the Color Throwdown this week!

  2. These are fabulous Marika!! Love your coloring and super sweet images!! Thxs for joining us at CTD!!

  3. I LOVE the way you used the sketch! So interesting to see how the mood of each card is affected by the colors you chose!
    Great job with the sponging!

  4. OMG!!! What absolutely adorable cards...I just love all three!!!! Your coloring is perfection on those super sweet images and I love the little bit of sparkle you added!!! Thanks for joining us for this weeks Color Throwdown Challenge!!!

  5. Gorgeous use of sponging along with your awesome coloring skills! I love these cards!! So glad you joined us for the Color Throwdown challenge this week!

  6. They are all so adorable! Your inking is just beautiful. That embossing looks so awesome up close. I bet it really glitters in real life. Husbands, pfft. what do they know about card making?! :)

  7. Oh, these are all so sweet! Fabulous takes on the sketch!

  8. Two adorable cards.... and beautiful colors too!
